Unravelling SaaS pricing strategies in 2023


Prepare to navigate the maze of SaaS pricing strategies with this comprehensive guide that elucidates the best practices and latest trends in pricing for growth-focused SaaS CEOs.


In the world of Software as a Service (SaaS), setting the right pricing strategy can mean the difference between growth and stagnation. Pricing is not just a way to monetise your product; it's an essential element of your marketing strategy and brand positioning. This article delves into the key considerations and emerging trends in SaaS pricing strategies, guiding CEOs to navigate this complex landscape effectively.

The evolution of SaaS pricing

SaaS pricing has undergone a tremendous transformation over the years, influenced by customer expectations, market competition, and technological advances. The days of 'one-size-fits-all' pricing are gone, replaced by a more customer-centric approach, with personalisation becoming the norm.


Understanding the basics: Cost-based, value-based, and competitor-based pricing

Fundamentally, SaaS pricing strategies revolve around three pillars: cost-based, value-based, and competitor-based pricing. Cost-based pricing stems from the costs of production, value-based pricing is derived from the perceived value to the customer, and competitor-based pricing is dictated by the market rates.

The Freemium model often fits within the value-based pricing strategy. A brilliant example of this is Dropbox. The cloud storage service offered basic features for free, encouraging widespread adoption, while charging for advanced features like increased storage space. This strategy allowed them to acquire users at a rapid pace and then monetise the most active users who needed the premium features. It was a clear implementation of the 'flywheel' concept where each free user added momentum to their user acquisition efforts.

As David Skok, a serial entrepreneur and venture capitalist, puts it, "Freemium can act as a powerful viral marketing tool, as free users help spread the word about you, and bring in paying customers." Are you considering the Freemium model for your SaaS business? It might be the growth catalyst you've been looking for.


The power of value-based pricing

In the contemporary SaaS landscape, value-based pricing is gaining ground. Patrick Campbell, CEO of ProfitWell, notes that "the most successful SaaS companies are those that align their pricing with the value their customers perceive and are willing to pay for." Indeed, value-based pricing allows companies to capture more value, offering a personalised approach that resonates with customers. 

If you're keen to extract more value from your pricing strategy, it's worth spending time to understand what your customers truly value. This could be your next step towards achieving your growth targets.


The role of price experimentation

In the dynamic SaaS market, price experimentation is crucial. Testing different pricing strategies, including monthly vs. long-term subscriptions, can provide valuable insights. Tomasz Tunguz, a venture capitalist at Redpoint Ventures, advises, "Optimise pricing regularly - it’s one of the levers a startup can pull to improve growth."

Are you utilising price experimentation to its fullest? Perhaps it's time to reevaluate and make sure you're capitalising on this significant growth lever.


The shift to usage-based pricing

The move towards usage-based pricing, where customers pay for what they use, reflects a broader shift in the industry. Both consumer and enterprise models are gradually adopting this approach, trading flat-rate subscription fees for more flexible pricing models. Though usage-based pricing can be more complex to implement and manage, it offers a fair and scalable solution that appeals to customers.

If you're not yet exploring usage-based pricing, now might be the right time to consider how this flexible model could fit into your strategy.


Packaging and tiering: finding the right mix

Creating diverse product tiers, each with a different combination of features and prices, is another essential aspect of SaaS pricing. Different tiers cater to different customer segments, from small businesses to large enterprises. A well-thought-out tiering strategy can enhance customer value, boost revenue, and ensure your product offering remains competitive.

Is your current packaging and tiering strategy delivering results? Consider revisiting your plans to optimise for customer value and revenue growth.


Transparency in pricing

Finally, transparency in pricing is paramount. Clear, upfront pricing not only builds customer trust but also reduces friction in the sales process. As Zoho CEO, Sridhar Vembu, aptly puts it, "Transparent pricing is more than a business strategy; it's a philosophy that respects the customer's right to fair treatment."

Transparency should be at the forefront of your pricing strategy. Ensure that your customers understand what they're paying for and why.



In conclusion, SaaS pricing is a multifaceted challenge that requires continual refinement and adaptation. By understanding the basics, leveraging value-based pricing, experimenting with different models, embracing usage-based pricing, finding the right mix in packaging and tiering, and ensuring transparency, SaaS companies can chart a course towards sustainable growth. As we navigate the rest of 2023 and beyond, these practices will continue to shape the SaaS landscape, empowering businesses to thrive in an ever-evolving market.

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